Lynette Miles

Drupal 6 reached its end of life Feb 24, 2016. With that end of support, a number of vendors stepped up to take part in the Long Term Support program (LTS). Tag1 Consulting was one of the vendors that have continued to provide support for D6 websites since that time.

Lynette Miles

Drupal 7 End of Life (EOL) was originally planned for Nov. 2020, about ten years after the initial release of the platform. Given the large user base, this was subsequently extended to Nov. 2021. Then, to provide relief and support for everyone impacted by the pandemic Drupal 7 End of Life was extended another year, to Nov. 2022. The pandemic continues to have a major impact on our lives and our businesses and there continues...

Lynette Miles

Drupal 8 end of life is here! We’re only a few days away from the end of official community support for Drupal 8, and it’s time to make decisions. November 2, 2021 is it - leaving Drupal 7 for one more year, and Drupal 9 as the officially supported Drupal versions. You may be asking yourself:

Lynette Miles

Looking to expand your Drupal knowledge? Tag1’s got you covered. DrupalCon North America 2021 (DCNA) is almost here, and Tag1 is once again proud to be a Platinum Sponsor. DrupalCon is the largest gathering of Drupal users and enthusiasts in the world - and even with this year’s event being virtual, there are plenty of opportunities to meet people, learn new things, and share your experiences. In addition to the DCNA main conference track, there...

Lynette Miles

We all know that Drupal 7 end of life (EOL) is coming. If you are looking for suggestions on what to do, or you are not sure what the EOL entails, we have some advice on what you should consider when making this important decision.

Lynette Miles

If you’ve ever worked with software, or in software development, you’ve experienced the potential crisis that comes with an End of Life (EOL) announcement. Decisions must be made - do you upgrade, when, how, to what version, do you change software entirely, how much will all of these changes cost?

Lynette Miles

DrupalCon Europe 2020 took place from December 8-11, 2020. Like the earlier DrupalCon Global conference in July 2020, it was moved to a virtual conference due to the global Coronavirus pandemic. DrupalCon Europe gives the opportunity to hear from more members of the community who live outside the United States, and may not have the opportunity or ability to participate in DrupalCon Global, which takes place in North America. Being able to hear the diverse...

Lynette Miles

As the end of life (EOL) for Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 get closer, many long-time users of these platforms are concerned about whether they’ll be ready or able to upgrade their systems. While upgrading from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 should be the easiest major Drupal upgrade ever, the upgrade from Drupal 7 remains a hard sticking point for many users and companies.

Lynette Miles

Tag1 Consulting is proud to announce that it has been selected by the Drupal Association and Drupal Security Team as an approved member of the Drupal 7 Extended Support (D7ES) Program. Drupal 7 end-of-life is November 2022, and the Drupal security team is partnering with a few select vendors with the demonstrated expertise to provide security and maintenance support to ensure that orgs using D7 can continue to run it, well into the future. Tag1...

Preston So

Drupal 8’s end of life is only a year away (Nov 2021), and that date is unchangeable. Are you ready? Do you need to know more about why you should get started upgrading? Do you want to know if there’s going to be a Drupal 8 Extended Support program (spoiler: there isn’t).