Michael Meyers

What is real-time collaborative editing, and what are some of the most compelling technologies available in the space? In this talk, we explore collaborative editing, diving into how it works and some of the challenges borne by shared editing. Through the lens of Yjs, a real-time collaboration framework that supports not just text but also collaborating on drawings and 3-D models, we take a look at Operational Transformation (OT) and how implementing Conflict-free Replicated Data...

Fabian Franz

This is a quick overview of how to do git rebasing.

Jeremy Andrews

I’m excited to announce that Michael Meyers has joined the Tag1 team as Managing Director. Michael was one of our very first clients 10 years ago, we’ve worked together on many projects over the years, and we look forward to working even more closely with him now that he’s a part of the Tag1 team. Michael has extensive experience building market leading high-growth technology companies and is particularly well known in the Drupal Community for...

Mark Halliwell

If your site is designed around utilizing background images, then this module is for you! Whether you need a surgical implementation that only administrators/developers can implement or provide the ability to allow users to attach their own background images to entities, this module has you covered. If your site is designed around utilizing background images, then this module is for you! Whether you need a surgical implementation that only administrators/developers can implement or provide the...

Narayan Newton

Locust.io is a great tool for applying load in a controlled manner and measuring response. However, historically speaking nobody has really cared about a solo locust. They just aren't that concerning in the singular. Likewise, load applied from a single point to a moderately complicated infrastructure is both easy to block (or rate limit) and also not very representative of a real world situation. (Aside from the people you inevitably end up talking to who...

Narayan Newton

Apache JMeter and I have a long and complicated relationship. It is definitely a trusted and valuable tool, but I am also quite confident that certain parts of it will make an appearance in my particular circle of hell. Due to this somewhat uncomfortable partnership, I am always interested in new tools for applying load to an infrastructure and monitoring the results. Locust.io is not exactly a new tool, but I have only recently begun...

Dylan Clear

Though it came and went largely unnoticed, February 24th, 2017 marked an important anniversary to tens of thousands of Drupal website owners. February 24th 2017 was the 1-year anniversary of the End-of-Life (EOL) announcement for Drupal 6 as no longer supported by the Drupal community. It is widely known that major Drupal version upgrades require non-trivial resources. Not only do they require significant planning, technical expertise, and budget, but the path is often determined by...

Jeff Sheltren

Once upon a time, many years ago, I wrote a blog post titled Stop Disabling SELinux! as a response to seeing many users, hosting companies, and development shops disabling SELinux as a first resort without any consideration of the increased security it was bringing them. The post outlines -- in a few easy steps -- how to configure SELinux for a common Drupal setup. But it's applicable to any LAMP application (plus memcached). I'm still...

Sam Boyer

When we left off last time , we’d assembled a definition of what versions are. Now, we’re going to dive into how we use them in Tag1 Quo : comparing them to one another! The general goal is straightforward enough: we want to know if, say, 6.x-1.0 is less than 6.x-1.1 . (Yup!) Or if 6.x-1.0-alpha1 is less than 6.x-1.0 . (Also yup!) Let’s rewrite these two examples as tuple comparisons: {6,1,0,4,0,0} < {6,1,1,4,0,0} =...

Sam Boyer

When Tag1 decided to build Tag1 Quo , we knew there was one question we’d have to answer over, and over, and over again: is there a security update available for this extension? Answering that question - at scale, for many websites, across many extensions, through all the possible versions they might have - is the heart of what Quo does. The problem seems simple enough, but doing it at such scale, for “all” versions...