Preston So

One of the most formidable challenges of implementing any large-scale enterprise website is the choice of a framework that will ensure both high performance and long-term maintainability. Tag1 recently chose Laravel to serve the needs of a customer that is a national organization providing for millions of users and hundreds of affiliate chapters across the United States. Laravel was selected not only because of its favorable developer experience and ability to simplify business logic but...

Preston So

In the PHP landscape, perhaps no framework has made as daring of decisions and as innovative of choices as Laravel, the PHP ecosystem that has long not been afforded the spotlight offered readily to CMS ecosystems like Drupal and WordPress and the lower-level Symfony. Laravel has displayed some unconventional directions, including adopting Vue.js as its JavaScript framework of choice and eschewing some of the common features available in other web frameworks. Fortunately, with the rich...

Preston So

Decoupled Drupal has been a trending topic for years in the Drupal community as well as the larger CMS landscape. What do some of the pioneers of the decoupled Drupal phenomenon have to say about what's possible today for decoupled Drupal and what's in store for practitioners? From GraphQL v4, to live preview with Gatsby, to Web Components browser support, innovation in the Drupal community is now quickly challenging some of our initial assumptions and...

Preston So

Among all of the components commonly found in content management systems (CMSs) and typical editorial workflows, the rich text editor is perhaps the one that occupies the least amount of space but presents the most headaches due to its unique place in content architectures. From humble beginnings in discussion forums and the early days of the web and word processing, the rich text editor has since evolved into a diverse range of technologies that support...

Jeremy Andrews

We’ve helped build many interesting websites at Tag1. Historically, we started as a Drupal shop in 2007, heavily involved in the ongoing development of that popular PHP-based CMS. We also design and maintain the infrastructures on which many of these websites run. That said, we’ve long enjoyed applying our knowledge and skills for building sustainable and high-performing systems to different technologies as well. In this blog series, we’re going to build a backend API server...