Lynette Miles

Moshe Weitzman, Senior Architect and Project Lead, gave a talk at DrupalCon Global 2020 to introduce Drupal Test Traits -- a new open source project started by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Drupal Test Traits (DTT) are designed for use with Drupal websites that have existing content, where part of your testing includes checking your content, instead of tearing your website down and reinstalling Drupal.

Melissa Anderson

I was drawn to Behavior Driven Development the moment I was pointed toward Behat not just for the automation but because it systematized and gave me a vocabulary for some things I already did pretty well. It let me teach some of those skills instead of just using them. At DrupalCon Amsterdam, Behat and Mink architect Konstantin Kudryashov gave a whole new dimension to that. His presentation, Doing Behaviour-Driven Development with Behat, was a straightforward...

Melissa Anderson

It can be incredibly helpful when you're troubleshooting Behat tests to watch the tests execute. It's fairly straightforward to install Selenium locally and watch @javascript tests execute in your browser of choice, a bit more challenging remotely. Here's how I set up to do that on a remote Ubuntu 14.04 server.

Melissa Anderson

I was writing documentation for using VNC to watch Behat tests being executed with the selenium2 driver on a remote server, when I ran into a strange behavior. I'd set up Behat 3 on my desktop and was successfully running Selenium Server 2.42.2 with Firefox 31. After following the same setup process I'd used locally on a clean Digital Ocean VM, the Behat tests wouldn't run.