Preston So

Are offline collaborative applications truly feasible in this day and age? After all, consistent connectivity can be quite the luxury when it comes to less-than-ideal environments like Amtrak trains and commercial flights. Luckily, Yjs, the open-source real-time collaboration framework, is here to save the day, in conjunction with emerging web technologies that run the gamut from Service Workers (okay, not that old) to IndexedDB, a browser-based local database that is optimized for offline use cases.

Preston So

You board a flight only to hear the flight crew announce to groans all around that Wi-Fi is unavailable. How will you deliver that document in time that your colleagues were supposed to review later today? Fortunately, with the help of emerging web technologies like Yjs, an open-source real-time collaboration framework, and IndexedDB, a local database that houses offline content, any developer can successfully architect an offline-first architecture that also functions well for peer-to-peer collaboration...