Mauricio Dinarte

Previously, we explored generating migrations using the Migrate Upgrade module and managing them with Migrate Plus. Today, we cover migration plugins from Drupal Core. The two main methods differ in file patterns, locations, and change detection. Learn how to organize your code effectively and customize your approach for optimal results. This article is packed with practical tips and insights to make your migration smoother and more efficient. Get ahead of the curve – read our...

Mauricio Dinarte

In the previous article we performed an automated migration via the administration interface with tools provided by Drupal core out of the box. This gave us the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the different modules that assist with the task, settings that affect the migration, and the results when there are no customizations in place.

Mauricio Dinarte

Now that we have covered how to prepare for a migration, let’s put that knowledge into practice. In this article we introduce the example project: a Drupal 7 site that we will be migrating to Drupal 10. After providing an overview of project setup, we will perform an audit of the Drupal 7 site and draft a migration plan to Drupal 10.

Mauricio Dinarte

Today, we will take a step back from reviewing the Migrate API. Instead, we will have an overview of content and configuration entities in Drupal 10. This is important for two reasons.

Mauricio Dinarte

In the previous article, we talked about avoiding entity ID conflicts which is one of the primary known issues when migrating to Drupal 10. In this section, we will discuss other issues that might arise and some limitations of the API

Janez Urevc

In this episode of Tag1 Team Talks, our team of Drupal experts delve into the essential "Load" phase of the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process in Drupal migrations.

Janez Urevc

Our latest episode of Tag1 Team Talks is an insightful guide through the Extract phase of the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process in Drupal migrations. Hosted by Janez Urevc, the episode features experts Mike Ryan and Benji Fisher, who offer a deep understanding of data extraction relevant to migrations from older versions of Drupal (6,7,8) or other CMS platforms altogether and more.

Lynette Miles

The last two years have been eventful for most of us, and the Drupal community is no exception to that. From the shift to online DrupalCons and their return to in person this year, to new releases of Drupal and the revisiting of old ones, it’s been a momentous time. Drupal 7 was originally scheduled to reach end of life (community support) in November of 2021.

Lynette Miles

Drupal 7 End of Life (EOL) was originally planned for Nov. 2020, about ten years after the initial release of the platform. Given the large user base, this was subsequently extended to Nov. 2021. Then, to provide relief and support for everyone impacted by the pandemic Drupal 7 End of Life was extended another year, to Nov. 2022. The pandemic continues to have a major impact on our lives and our businesses and there continues...

Lynette Miles

Drupal 7’s end of life is just around the corner. November 2022 seems like it’s a long way off, but when you’re upgrading enterprise software, it’s closer than you think. As Drupal 7’s long life comes to the end of official community support, businesses are faced with the question of what to do next - upgrade, migrate, or maintain their existing sites. Each of these options comes with its own expenses and considerations. In this...