Mauricio Dinarte

Migrations How-To: #26

In this article, we start implementing content model changes. Namely, we’ll migrate Drupal 7 nodes as Drupal 10 user and taxonomy term entities.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How-To: #23

Previously, we wrapped up migrating configuration to match the content model we specified in our upgrade plan. Ready to start migrating content? Hang in there — it’s coming up next. But first, let's address one of the hardest issues to resolve when they arise - entity ID conflicts in content migrations.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How To

By default, the Drupal 7 to 10 upgrade path preserves entity IDs. In the previous article, we explained that this would cause problems if content or configuration already exists in the destination Drupal 10 site. Let’s explore this further and evaluate ways to work around the issue.