Preston So

For several years now, decoupled Drupal has been among the topics that has fixated members of the Drupal community. At present, there is no shortage of blog posts and tutorials about the subject ...

Preston So

Decoupled Drupal has been a hot topic in the Drupal community for several years now, and there are now many projects implementing decoupled Drupal architectures, as well as a bevy of content...

Preston So

Now that decoupled Drupal has permeated the Drupal community, even to the furthest extremes, articles (including my own) introducing concepts and how-to tutorials describing how you can build your first decoupled Drupal architecture are ubiquitous. As a matter of fact, decoupled Drupal now also has a book on the subject as well as an annual conference dedicated to the topic. Particularly with the JSON:API module in Drupal core as of 8.7.0, decoupled Drupal out of...

Preston So

As another decade comes to a close in Drupal’s long and storied history, one important trend has the potential to present amazing — or unsettling, depending on how you look at it — opportunities and shifts in the Drupal ecosystem. That trend is decoupled Drupal.

Preston So

Over the last five years, decoupled Drupal has grown from a fringe topic among front-end enthusiasts in the Drupal community to something of a phenomenon when it comes to coverage in blog posts, tutorials, conference sessions, and marketing collateral. There is now even a well-received book by this author and a yearly conference dedicated to the topic. For many Drupal developers working today, not a day goes by without some mention of decoupled architectures that...

Preston So

Decoupled Drupal has been a trending topic for years in the Drupal community as well as the larger CMS landscape. What do some of the pioneers of the decoupled Drupal phenomenon have to say about what's possible today for decoupled Drupal and what's in store for practitioners? From GraphQL v4, to live preview with Gatsby, to Web Components browser support, innovation in the Drupal community is now quickly challenging some of our initial assumptions and...