Preston So

For several years now, decoupled Drupal has been among the topics that has fixated members of the Drupal community. At present, there is no shortage of blog posts and tutorials about the subject ...

Preston So

Decoupled Drupal has been a hot topic in the Drupal community for several years now, and there are now many projects implementing decoupled Drupal architectures, as well as a bevy of content...

Preston So

Now that decoupled Drupal has permeated the Drupal community, even to the furthest extremes, articles (including my own) introducing concepts and how-to tutorials describing how you can build your first decoupled Drupal architecture are ubiquitous. As a matter of fact, decoupled Drupal now also has a book on the subject as well as an annual conference dedicated to the topic. Particularly with the JSON:API module in Drupal core as of 8.7.0, decoupled Drupal out of...

Preston So

The question of where Drupal's front end is headed has led to much handwringing in the community, with a variety of ongoing discussions about whether decoupled Drupal is the future for Drupal's presentation layer. Out of all the debates in the community, few have engendered as much consternation and spilled ink as how, when, and whether to replace or augment Twig's functionality as the default theme engine for Drupal.

Preston So

If you’ve touched a Drupal site at any point in the last ten years, it’s very likely you came into contact with Drush (a portmanteau of “Drupal shell”), the command-line interface (CLI) used by countless developers to work with Drupal without touching the administrative interface. Drush has a long and storied trajectory in the Drupal community. Though many other Drupal-associated projects have since been forgotten and relegated to the annals of Drupal history, Drush remains...