Mauricio Dinarte

Our last article explored the syntax and structure of migration files. Today, we are diving deeper into the most important part of a migration: the process pipeline. This determines how source data will be processed and transformed to match the expected destination structure. We will learn how to configure and chain process plugins, how to set subfields and deltas for multi-value fields, and to work with source constants and pseudo-fields.

Mauricio Dinarte

In the previous article, we saw what a migration file looks like. We made some changes without going too deep into explaining the syntax or structure of the file. Today, we are exploring the language in which migration files are written and the different sections it contains.

Mauricio Dinarte

Today, we will take a step back from reviewing the Migrate API. Instead, we will have an overview of content and configuration entities in Drupal 10. This is important for two reasons.

Hunter Lannon

One of the annoying things about web hosting is managing certificates - nobody wants to spend time creating Certificate Signing Requests and checking emails for expiry notices. They expire, and domains change and become invalid, leaving a system administrator to communicate with a Certificate Authority (CA) to get new certificates and install them on the servers that need them. This manual process is tiring, boring, and has the potential to bring downtime to your services.