Lynette Miles

DrupalCons are unquestionably the biggest events of the year in the Drupal community. It’s an opportunity for developers, designers, users, customers, and businesses to get together and talk about everything Drupal! This year has been a difficult one for conferences, as everyone cancels, reschedules, or moves online. DrupalCon has been no exception to this, bringing both of this year’s conferences online, in an effort to continue fostering the project’s strong community. Always wanted to go...

Preston So

Part 1 | Part 2 Drupal is notorious for its "everyone has a voice" approach to open-source development, but it isn't easy to reach consensus across thousands of people with different backgrounds and opinions. In addition, Drupal has witnessed countless paradigm shifts in its lengthy history, both in the surrounding world of web development and in its internal workings. As Drupal has grown to power over two percent of the websites on the...

Preston So

Part 1 | Part 2 Open-source software development isn't easy. There are few people who know this more intimately well than Angie Byron (webchick), who is one of the best-known community leaders in the Drupal ecosystem and Senior Director, Product and Community Development at Acquia. Over the course of Angie's fifteen years in Drupal contribution, the content management system has undergone a series of disruptive and significant changes that have reinvented the community...

Lynette Miles

In part 3 of our Tag 1 Team talks about documentation as code: linting for prose, we demonstrate the Vale linter in action. This open-source linter for prose is highly customizable, making it possible for writers with little coding experience or developers with little writing experience to start testing their work.

Lynette Miles

One well-known type of tool in the software world, but less so in the writing world is the linter. Software developers often consider their linters to be invaluable in catching or preventing errors, as well as enforcing defined stylistic guidelines before errors get out in front of the world.

Preston So

Throughout Drupal's history, contributors have rallied around as the single source of truth for both the code running Drupal and the infrastructure powering Drupal's issue queues, source control, and automated testing. As the Drupal Association continues on its journey to integrate GitLab features with, we're beginning to see the first glimpses of how Drupal contribution and issue management will evolve thanks to cutting-edge functionality like merge requests and issue forks in GitLab.

Michael Meyers

Last month at DrupalCon Global, Dries Buytaert, the founder of Drupal, announced that a major focus of Drupal 9 will be improving the user interface and user experience of the platform - for all personas. Two of the five D9 Strategic Initiatives have been dedicated to making this happen. The “New Front-End Theme Initiative” or user interface (UI) for Drupal, also known as the Olivero Theme, covers the end-user experience. The “Admin UI & JavaScript...

Preston So

In this exciting episode of Tag1 Team Talks, Moshe Weitzman (Senior Architect, and Project Lead at Tag1) hopped on with Michael Meyers (Managing Director at Tag1) and your host Preston So (Editor in Chief at Tag1 and author of Decoupled Drupal in Practice) for a deep dive into what makes DrupalSpoons so compelling for Drupal contributors and the origin story that inspired Moshe to build it.

Preston So

Research shows that if your application introduces latency of even a few milliseconds, your business revenue can suffer immensely. At Tag1, we often have clients approach us with concerns about high traffic. Load testing and performance tuning often elicit groans from architects and developers more interested in building features, but it is a critical step in the process to ensuring your web application can operate at scale under heavy load. Though other load testing ecosystems...

Preston So

In recent years, it seems as if open source has taken the software world by storm. Nonetheless, many enterprise organizations remain hesitant to adopt open-source technologies, whether due to vendor lock-in or a preference for proprietary solutions. But open source can in fact yield substantial fruit when it comes to advancing your business in today’s highly competitive landscape. By leveraging and contributing back to open source, you can distinguish your business with open source as...