Lynette Miles

Drupal has had many, many contributors over its 20 years of existence. These contributors vary from the person answering questions here and there in IRC/Slack and the issue queues, to people who run agencies and hosting companies aimed at keeping Drupal in the public eye. Drupal’s continued success relies on all types of people to keep the drop moving. In this Tag1 Team Talk, we continue to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Drupal. Tag1 Managing...

Lynette Miles

Serenity Notes is a new application that enables you to collaborate on Notes across devices, with multiple users, in real-time, using end-to-end encryption to keep all your data and info private and secure. It has a game changing SDK enabling the addition of e2e real-time collaboration to your applications, without the complicated underlying complexities. In this Tag1 Team Talk, Managing Director Michael Meyers interviews Nik Graf, the founder of Serenity Notes. Nik has worked for...

Lynette Miles

As everyone in the Drupal community knows, Drupal 8 was a major shift in the way the software was built and will be developed into the future. Prior to Drupal 8, each major release essentially caused major rewrites for core and all of the contributed modules. Drupal 8 aimed to fix this; moving forward, Drupal upgrades will be easy and fast. You get a great return on investment upgrading to D9 because you can seamlessly...

Lynette Miles

Planning and executing a major software upgrade can be as easy as running some software, to as complicated as a major migration. For the American Productivity and Quality Center, it was definitely the latter. With hundreds of thousands of users, and many thousands of pieces of content, a migration is a detailed and time intensive process that requires careful planning. In part 2 of our Tag1 Team Talk with the APQC, Tag1 Managing Director Michael...

Lynette Miles

APQC, the American Productivity and Quality Center, is a nonprofit organization with a mission to help organizations with best practices and methods around increasing productivity and quality. APQC provides management expertise in knowledge, process and performance, finances, human capital, and supply chain management and processes In this Tag1 Team Talk, John Tesmer, the Executive Director of Information Technology, and Jim Gilliland, Senior Architect and Lead of the Technology team at APQC, join Tag1 Managing Director...

Lynette Miles

Managing Director Michael Meyers sits down with VP of Software Engineering Fabian Franz, and CEO Jeremy Andrews for a coordinated demonstration of Goose and New Relic. Goose is the highly performant load testing framework written in Rust, and New Relic is one of the most highly regarded performance analysis tools in use today.

Lynette Miles

Many of us in open source communities tend to be proponents of not only the primary project we’re working with (like Drupal), we also tend to be pretty big proponents of other types of open source software. These may be projects that benefit us in our day to day work, libraries that we leverage to build on our main project, or software we end up using in our personal lives, for projects that we do...

Lynette Miles

It’s no surprise to anyone in the open source software world, or any business, that funding is the center of how things get done. While some parts of projects are funded by their foundations (when these exist), most projects are maintained by independent developers or teams working in their spare time. In this Tag1 Team Talk, Managing Director Michael Meyers is joined by Matt Glaman, maintainer of Drupal-check. Drupal-check, based on PHPstan, is a static...

Lynette Miles

Goose, the open source load testing framework created by Tag1 CEO Jeremy Andrews, continues to show its performance and scalability capabilities. In this Tag1 Team Talk, Managing Director Michael Meyers joins VP of Software Engineering Fabian Franz for a demonstration of Goose’s rapid ramp-up and scaling by COO Narayan Newton. In this final talk in our series of live demonstrations of Goose, Narayan and Fabian break down how some of the methods used in part...

Lynette Miles

In this second part of our team talk series on live load testing with Goose, we focus on demonstrating load testing using a Gaggle. A Gaggle is a distributed load test running Goose from one or more servers. Here, we’re testing with 20,000 users using ten Workers and a Manager process on services spun up using Terraform.