Preston So

Tag1 TeamTalk #028.3

Drupal 8’s end of life is only a year away (Nov 2021), and that date is unchangeable. Are you ready? Do you need to know more about why you should get started upgrading? Do you want to know if there’s going to be a Drupal 8 Extended Support program (spoiler: there isn’t).

Lynette Miles

DrupalCon Global Revisited:

Peta Hoyes, COO, and Fabian Franz, Vice President of Software Engineering, of Tag1 Consulting discuss how teams are working collaboratively in real time and asynchronously more than ever before. Content management systems (CMS) need to meet the needs of users, but to date no system offers real time collaboration, because building collaborative software is extremely complex. Yjs, a real-time collaboration framework abstracts all this complexity, allowing you to enable collaboration in any application. Working with...

Preston So

Core Confidential #3.2

Part 1 | Part 2 Drupal is notorious for its "everyone has a voice" approach to open-source development, but it isn't easy to reach consensus across thousands of people with different backgrounds and opinions. In addition, Drupal has witnessed countless paradigm shifts in its lengthy history, both in the surrounding world of web development and in its internal workings. As Drupal has grown to power over two percent of the websites on the...

Preston So

Core Confidential #3.1

Part 1 | Part 2 Open-source software development isn't easy. There are few people who know this more intimately well than Angie Byron (webchick), who is one of the best-known community leaders in the Drupal ecosystem and Senior Director, Product and Community Development at Acquia. Over the course of Angie's fifteen years in Drupal contribution, the content management system has undergone a series of disruptive and significant changes that have reinvented the community...

Lynette Miles

Show me how this flock flies:

We’re going to dig into the process of a working Gaggle, so you can see how it runs, and how to deal with some of the errors you might encounter as you start working with this feature of Goose. Goose does not currently have a UI; this example expects you to be familiar with the command line interface (CLI). This example uses one Manager and two Workers, so there are three different things going...

Lynette Miles

Geese in the clouds

Goose, the load testing software created by Tag1 CEO Jeremy Andrews has had a number of improvements since its creation. One of the most significant improvements is the addition of Gaggles. A Gaggle is a distributed load test, made up of one Manager process and one or more Worker processes. The comparable concept in Locust is a Swarm, and it's critical for Locust as Python can only make use of a single core: you have...

Lynette Miles

In our blog, we’ve previously had a Tag1 Team Talk about Goose, by Tag1 CEO Jeremy Andrews. Goose is a Locust-inspired load testing tool In Rust. Goose has been effective in helping Tag1 support its clients by ensuring their websites hold up under stress.

Lynette Miles

Revisiting DrupalCon Global:

At DrupalCon Global 2020, Moshe Weitzman, Senior Architect and Project Lead at Tag1, and the creator of Drush (the Drupal Command Line), presented his case for a more robust command line tool for Drupal administration. Many Drupal developers and website builders rely on command line tools to get their work done.

Lynette Miles

Revisiting DrupalCon Global:

Moshe Weitzman, Senior Architect and Project Lead, gave a talk at DrupalCon Global 2020 to introduce Drupal Test Traits -- a new open source project started by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Drupal Test Traits (DTT) are designed for use with Drupal websites that have existing content, where part of your testing includes checking your content, instead of tearing your website down and reinstalling Drupal.

Lynette Miles

If you’ve been part of a writing team, known a writer, or ever considered documentation to be an important aspect of your business, you may have heard of docs-as-code. If you haven’t, buckle up, because using these methodologies can lower the bar for your developers to contribute quality documentation to your project. At the same time, it also reduces the work your writing team has to do to ensure your documentation meets your company style...