Preston So

Over the course of Drupal’s lengthy history, one of the most common feature requests has been automatic updates. A common complaint of Drupal site administrators, especially those who have smaller sites updated less frequently, is the frequently complex and drawn-out process required to update a Drupal site from one minor version to another. Updates can involve a difficult set of highly specific steps that challenge even the most patient among us. Indeed, many in the...

Preston So

WebRTC, a protocol that facilitates peer-to-peer communication between two clients via the browser, is now supported by all modern browsers. Since its introduction it has mainly been used for web conferencing solutions, but WebRTC is ideal for a variety of other use cases as well. Because of its wide platform support, creating peer-to-peer applications for the web is now more straightforward than ever. But how do you manage many people working together at the same...

Preston So

Automated tests are rapidly becoming a prerequisite for successful web projects, owing to the proliferation of automated testing tools and an explosion of continuous integration (CI) services that ensure the success of web implementations. Nonetheless, for many developers who are new to the space, automated testing can be an intimidating and altogether novel area that causes more than a few groans at weekly meetings. Luckily, with the right development culture and testing infrastructure in place...

Preston So

With the release of Drupal 8.8, Drush is also due for an upgrade — to Drush 10. For this venerable command-line interface that many Drupal developers know intimately well, what does the present and future look like? What considerations should we keep in mind when selecting Drupal Console or Drush? What new features are available in Drush 10 that characterize the new CI/CD approaches we see expanding in the Drupal community? In this Tag1 Team...

Preston So

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Testing has become an important topic in recent years thanks to the explosion of testing technologies and continuous integration (CI) approaches but also due to the need for an ever-widening range of tests for a variety of use cases. For many developers, understanding how to incorporate testing into their development workflows can be daunting due to...

Moshe Weitzman

We are excited to share details about our recent integration with the Group module. By default, Group module stores group memberships in the Drupal database. For a recent project, our Client required that group memberships are canonically stored in their existing LDAP directory. That way, memberships may be re-used to control access to 3rd party applications like real-time chat, file sharing, etc. Group module provides a simple service, GroupMembershipLoader, that is responsible for loading all...

Preston So

Yjs, one of the most powerful and robust frameworks for real-time collaborative editing, enables developers to add shared editing capabilities to any application with relatively little effort. In order to make it so easy to use and extend Yjs, the framework abstracts all the complexities, many moving pieces, and deep technical concepts involved in empowering offline first, peer to peer, real time collaboration.

Preston So

Yjs is a very compelling choice when it comes to building real-time collaborative applications. A powerful open-source, offline first, peer to peer, shared editing framework that is modular and extensible, Yjs enables developers to easily add real time collaborative capabilities to any type of application. Rich text editing, drawing, 3d modeling... the list of potential use cases for Yjs is lengthy and remarkable. But how did it get started, what is the algorithm it’s based...

Preston So

In today's editorial landscape, content creators can expect not only to touch a document countless times to revise and update content, but also to work with other writers from around the world, often on distributed teams, to finalize a document collaboratively and in real time. For this reason, collaborative editing, or shared editing, has become among the most essential and commonly requested features for any content management solution straddling a large organization.

Preston So

Among all of the components commonly found in content management systems (CMSs) and typical editorial workflows, the rich text editor is perhaps the one that occupies the least amount of space but presents the most headaches due to its unique place in content architectures. From humble beginnings in discussion forums and the early days of the web and word processing, the rich text editor has since evolved into a diverse range of technologies that support...