
Decoupled Drupal has been a trending topic for years in the Drupal community as well as the larger CMS landscape. What do some of the pioneers of the decoupled Drupal phenomenon have to say about what's possible today for decoupled Drupal and what's in store for practitioners? From GraphQL v4, to live preview with Gatsby, to Web Components browser support, innovation in the Drupal community is now quickly challenging some of our initial assumptions and visions for the future. In this introspective and retrospective Tag1 Team Talk, join Sebastian Siemssen (Senior Architect and Lead React Developer, Tag1 Consulting), Fabian Franz (Senior Technical Architect and Performance Lead, Tag1 Consulting), Michael Meyers (Managing Director, Tag1 Consulting), and Preston So (Editor in Chief, Tag1 Consulting) for an insightful conversation with decoupled Drupal veterans on its past, present, and future.

For a full transcript of this video, see Transcript: Decoupled Drupal - Strengths and Weaknesses -Tag1 Team Talk #008.

For more on Web Components and how they're being used, see Web Components.

For more on decoupled Drupal, see our Decoupled Drupal page.

Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash